Nyttige links og tips
Flash foto – TTL / High Speed flash
Headshots – Portræt: https://affinityspotlight.com/article/mastering-headshot-photography-with-ivan-weiss/?utm_source=SpotlightEmail&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Newsletter
Ansel Adams "teknik til digital brug" :
Using Zones for Black and White Photography.
“Does this mean the zone-system is cannot be used for digital photography? Fortunately it can still be used. Instead of expose for the shadows, and develop for the highlights, we need to expose for the highlights and develop for the shadows. It is just a small, but very important change.”
“…candid photography of everyday life on the street. That, at its core, is what street photography is.”
Has Digital Technology Ruined Black and White Photography
Vintage lenses on digital cameras. How good are they in reality compared to modern lenses?
The Death of Beautiful Rendition and 3D Pop on Modern Lenses